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What can I expect from a breathwork journey?

  • Release Subconscious patterns around anxiety

  • Regulate your nervous system  

  • Uncover & Transform Limiting Beliefs

  • Receive Life-long tools for Stress Management

  • Release stress and trauma from a cellular level

  • Build Emotional resilience

  • Deepen your relationship with your body and breath

  • Connect deeply with your inner guidance

  • Rewire Neural pathways

My Services

Breathwork isn't for everyone.

If you experience any of the below conditions please either check with your medical professional first or reach out to be referred to a different modality that may be more suitable:

  • Pregnancy

  • Epilepsy

  • Occular Issues: (detached retina/glaucoma)

  • Cardiovascular Disease/Irregularity

  • Unmedicated high/low blood pressure

  • Osteoporosis

  • Aneurysms

  • Stroke

  • Blood Thinning or Anti-Clot Medication

  • Bipolar/Schizophrenia

  • Skeletal Fractures

  • Complex PTSD

  • Strong doses of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, or mind-altering medication.

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